​Lisa Notaro, Director

​Lisa Notaro, Director

For over 27 years yoga, health and learning about our spiritual nature have been my passion. Over that time I have been constantly learning and developing my skills with various different studies in yoga, massage, self development, Ayurveda, various healing techniques, myofascial release, ecstatic dance and most recently Non Linear Movement Method. Applying these tools I have witnessed people from all walks of life empower themselves with:

- improved strength, flexibility and fitness

- better ability to cope with stress and anxiety

- improved ability to relax and calm their mind

- overall improvement in health

- more feelings of innate happiness and contentment

Nothing brings me greater pleasure than seeing a client walk in stressed, tired and sore and leave feeling empowered, relaxed, energised and light.

I believe that health, happiness and contentment are our natural state of being, always there but lost under our busy modern life.

My passion is using movement as medicine. To share tools that free the body of tension, deepen the breath, improve energy levels, quieten the mind and soothe the nerves so that we can tap back into that natural state.

While studying in India I was given the yoga name “Diwali” which means divine light. It seemed very fitting as this is my “why” – to help people awaken to and feel their own divine light and their connection to that unlimited supply of universal energy and love.

I truly believe in the importance of a positive outlook – trusting that life is always conspiring for our highest good and knowing that the world we see is a reflection of our thoughts and feelings. So you can now understand that the name has a literal meaning  - Relax and you will Shine!

A 5 year stint as a sales and marketing consultant gave me a great insight into just how stressful and exhausting life in business can be! Thank goodness I had my yoga practice and that underlying trust in life to keep me sane. I feel this balance also contributed to my success in the industry. That experience has really shown me how important these tools are in our modern world. It has encouraged me more than ever to want to help others find healthy ways to cope with their stress and live a happier more fulfilling life.